Customer Testimonials

Long-Term Partnerships

“…I have maintained services throughout the years with Snow Management Services and GroundMasters due to pricing, customer service, response time, communication, cost-saving measures, fairness, honesty, and integrity.

I have always managed a portfolio in excess of one million square feet, so the quality of service and your company’s style of being proactive are extremely important to my success in the role of the property manager and our customer’s expectations. The systems [they] have put in place to communicate, [they’re] professional, coupled with [the staff’s] professionalism, have created an outstanding long-term partnership.”

– Jane Montgomery
Operations Manager // First Industrial Realty Trust

GroundMasters Goes Above and Beyond

“I have worked with GroundMasters for several years and have never felt the need to make a change. I feel very grateful to be able to continue to use them year after year, even with market price increases. I have worked with other big name landscape companies in the past and it is a nightmare to have to make a change and usually an expensive one. The GroundMasters team consistently goes above and beyond to take care of our projects and our budgets. Landscaping makes such a huge impact on first impressions of a property. I couldn’t be happier with ours and I wouldn’t want to partner with anyone else to accomplish it!”

– Tanya Pomirchy
Senior Property Manager

No One is as Dedicated and Committed

“I’ve worked regularly with GroundMasters for probably longer than any other vendor/contractor, needless to say in this industry one does not do that unless the majority of their interactions are positive. There are many other landscaping options out there but over the years I have found no one as dedicated and committed to both solving problems and working out solutions as GroundMasters and in particular Kim Jewell who would give you the shirt off her back if she thought it would help. There simply is no one better in my book.”

– Chris Atwood
General Manager

Very Attentive to My Needs

I have worked with Groundmasters for over 9 years, and have been very pleased with their response times, and communication levels. They are very attentive to my needs.

– Garry Duncan
Warehouse / Logistics Lead